Thursday, June 5, 2014

Quotes and Other Things

It's been awhile since I used Photoshop. So after updating my CS3 to CS6, I decided to give it a try. I created some picture quotes which showcased my favorite lines from the book Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Bronte. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bantug Lake Ranch

Summer's almost over, folks! Two months had passed by swiftly, leaving beautiful memories that will forever be recalled. For sure, camera albums will be filled with pictures ready to be displayed. But before we finally say goodbye to summer, we had our one last summer trip. We visited the new picnic place in town, Bantug Lake Ranch. Located in Barangay Alangilan, Bacolod City, Bantug Lake Ranch is a wide ranch with a man made lake, wherein you can slow down and experience the tranquility of nature as you lie under the shady mango trees. Aside from the picturesque views that you will surely get, you can do some exciting adventures on the ranch.

If you desire to eat Tilapia or St. Peter’s Fish, then you’re in for a treat. Bantug’s man made lake has a lot of Tilapia, and you can go fishing and catch some. For 250 pesos, you will be provided with fishing gears so you can catch a kilo of Tilapia. There are grills that are available and free to use if you want to cook and eat in Bantug.

Aside from fishing, you can ride a small boat and explore the lake. There are also horses and you can rent one for a horseback riding experience. Bantug also offers organic products which they sell at affordable prices. There are a lot of things that I like about the ranch. Animals such as horses, sheep, peacock and chickens roam around the place. There are trees that provide shade so you can sit on the grass and sleep or read a book.

The Bantug Lake Ranch is a peaceful place for families, friends, and couples who want to escape the crowded city. With an entrance fee of only 50 pesos, Bantug is worth your time. So before summer completely ends, grab your picnic tools and go to Bantug Lake Ranch for a breath of fresh air. 

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time."

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Still Life: Shoes

Trying still life photography was a challenge for me. It was not easy at all, and it took me a lot of time to be contented of the pictures that I took. The process was long, tiring, and frustrating, but I didn’t give up, because without hard work, you will get nothing. So after an hour of continuous shooting and editing, I produced 5 photos that made me happy and satisfied.

My subject: A pair of shoes of my father. It was rugged, old, and dusty. I was interested in its texture and color, and also by the fact that it is still intact for so many years.

"These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it." Charles Barkley  (

Friday, May 16, 2014

Nature in Picture

I was searching a poem about nature when I found the website called There were a lot of poems in there, but what caught my attention was the introduction created by the maker of the site. It was about the beauty and complexity of nature, and how it will always amaze us.

“Whether one is watching a thrilling thunderstorm or looking up at a mighty tree, the experience of nature is one of awe. One cannot help but marvel at the intricate design of a single leaf, or the roar of a great waterfall. Time spent in nature is time spent realizing that you don't know it all and that you never will. A great place for a family to relate to each other is in the beauty of nature. Petty arguments and grudges fall to the wayside in the face of nature's majesty. The earth is meant to be enjoyed by its inhabitants. That includes keeping it in the pristine condition in which it was discovered. Everyone has a part of the earth that they relate to the most. Whether it is a majestic mountain range, a roaring waterfall, a bouquet of flowers, or the calm of the woods, these are places to get to know oneself and build bonds with family.”

The pictures below were some macro shots of leaves and flowers that I took a few days ago. Words may be limited in expressing the wonders of nature, but I believe that a picture truly speaks a thousand words. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Playing with Exposure

When I bought Canon EOS 1200D, I promised myself that I would devote my time in learning photography. I don’t  want that the promising ability of my camera to take good pictures will be put to waste. It’s summer, and I've got nothing to do, so I always watched video tutorials about the tricks in photography. It was really interesting and so much fun. The first lesson that I learned was about exposure. Based on what I learned, exposure is the combination of the aperture, ISO, and shutter speed. When you take better control of the three elements, you can have a good exposure, resulting in better pictures. 

I was just starting to learn, so the pictures aren't that great. By the way, I am using Lightroom in order to improve the quality of the pictures. I often use Presets that I downloaded freely from


Sunday, May 11, 2014



Siegfried Sassoon
In the grey summer garden I shall find you

With day-break and the morning hills behind you.  

There will be rain-wet roses; stir of wings;  

And down the wood a thrush that wakes and sings.  

Not from the past you’ll come, but from that deep

Where beauty murmurs to the soul asleep:  

And I shall know the sense of life re-born  

From dreams into the mystery of morn  

Where gloom and brightness meet. And standing there  

Till that calm song is done, at last we’ll share

The league-spread, quiring symphonies that are  

Joy in the world, and peace, and dawn’s one star.